Newgrange Ireland

Newgrange is older than the Pyramids of Egypt.

It's not known why Newgrange was built or what the original concept behind this building was. However it was used as a burial ground in later times for some of the High Kings of pagan Ireland. It is known that Newgrange is a prehistoric building which illuminates during the winter solstice. A beam of sunlight enters a passageway and lights up a chamber deep inside the structure.

Newgrange Ireland

Newgrange Spirals

The entrance faces exactly south east and during a period of about three days, around the shortest day of the year, light from the sun enters the monument through a slit above the entrance, travels down the passage illuminating the end chamber

This entrance leads to a passage formed of upright stone slabs and runs about 60 feet into the centre of the mound. The centre has a 20 foot dome like structure made of slabs of rock overlapping inwards till they join at the top. This provides a roof for the chamber which houses three small recesses that contain stone basins

Newgrange is older than the Pyramids of Egypt it predates the Celtic era in Ireland. Who ever built Newgrange must have had a knowledge of our stars movement in order to calculate the Earth's position in relation to the seasons.
Newgrange - slit above the entrance
If you are coming to Ireland, it's well worth the short journey from Dublin to the Boyne Valley area. There are a lot of ancient monuments dating from the pre-Christen Celtic era to the interwoven Celtic Cross era.