Sunspot photos from Dublin Ireland
Photos of the Sun taken from Dublin city centre, Ireland.
These Solar photographs were taken with a Meade etx/70 at, refractor type telescope. For more information about the
converting this scope
please see this page
Dublin Sunspots, June 21st 2011 - Meade etx/70
Baader solar filter neutral density 5.0 - GreyScale image.

Dublin Sunspots, June 21st 2011 - Meade etx/70
Baader solar filter neutral density 5.0 Negative and GreyScale images.

Dublin Sunspots, June 21st 2011 - Meade etx/70
Baader solar filter neutral density 5.0 with Orange Lee Filter added to the camera lens.

Dublin Sunspots, June 21st 2011 - Meade etx/70
Baader solar filter neutral density 5.0

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- These photos are copyright of Bright Arc Man.
- They may not be claimed as your own.
- They may not be re-distributed or sold.
- They may not be included as part of an art or photo collection.
If you do use these photographs on your pages we'd appreciate an e-mail
stating the url where they are going to be used, a link back to this page would be great.
Thanks for looking.